Dev Log History

It's a dark attic of her grandma's old house that she finds the bag.

[DevLog 003] Eva's Magic Bag Concept

Take Me Home Dev Log - illustration by Yewon (Created Jan 17th, 2020)

Eva is a very bright and curious girl. We wanted her to look just like any girl from the outer appearance but wanted to distinguish her from the inside. Like her magic bag and her own little secrets.

So we needed a background story on how she found her bag. This story won't appear in the game as it's part of the universe the team is trying to create along with many other games in the future.

The whole process of illustrating these background stories help the team understand the narrative and the tone we want to design.

EVA's Magic Bag - Specially signed by EVA herself

Her magic bag originally from her grandma Evelyn has many secrets. It can hold infinite number of things inside.

Shape of the bags?

How does the bag open?

Can she possibly leak things?